I was reminded by a friend that I had been negligent in my PV posts. I have been in California for the past two months instead of enjoying the hot, humid climate of Puerto Vallarta (although I talked to someone there today who said it is cooler than the usual summer due to evening rains which cool things off).
What I miss most about summer in PV is the slower pace. Having gone through my first "high season" where there were parties and events galore(often many every night). During "the season" friends return, restaurants get booked, parking can sometimes be difficult, beaches are more crowded--you get the picture.
In the summer part-timers return to their homes in Canada and the USA--those of us who are full timers have more time to spend with each other and enjoy the slower pace of life. Tables at restaurants are more plentiful and prices are more flexible. The pool where I live is mostly empty and I feel so pampered to have the whole pool (along with the views) almost always to myself...what luxury!
Being a California girl I wasn't prepared for the huge lightning bolts and loud thunder sounds that happen during PV's summer. These usually have the courtesy of happening at night leaving the days sunny. Now that I've grown used to them I miss them...kind of light a light show just for me!
I have decided to spend the end of the year in the USA again so will be renting my condo out. If you are interested in spending a wonderful time of year in a beautiful romantic Mexican beach town let me know--or tell your friends!